

Friday, January 29, 2010


I want someone...
who will listen to me
when I want to
open up my problems.
Someone who will
wipe my tears when I'm crying,
hold my hands
and kiss my forehead and will
tell me everything will be alright.

I want someone...
who will respect me,
but will have the initiative
to hold my hands.
Someone who will always
make me fell I am loved.

I want someone...
who will be eager to know
why I had a sudden change of
(because traditionally, men must be
the one to open up such conversations
about the relationship.
And sometimes, women don't have the guts
to tell what they are feeling
for a simple reason that they are waiting
for their man to do the first move.)
Someone who will ask me what happened,
And will be brave enough to ask
what am I thinking and feeling.

I want someone...
who will not entertain
other girls.
And will not flirt
right in front of my eyes.
Someone who will be jealous
once in a while just for me
to feel he's afraid to lose me.

Lastly, I want someone...
who will love me
and my whole personality.
Someone who will treat my weakness
as my greatest asset.
Someone who will be brutally honest
to admit his weakness,
and will not be afraid
to show what he really is.
Someone who will understand
my hang-ups, and angst,
and will just laugh when
I did something naughty with my friends.
And someone who will not be
ashamed of what I did, will just smile and
tell it's part of growing up and
will be my ultimate defense to those who
wanted to hurt me.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

We Are Not (finally)

Checklist On How To Have A Good And Sound Relationship

1.)Accept your partner as he or she is physically and mentally. Your partner may not be tall or have the sense of humor but may be good in many other things. Look at the positive side and be happy with him or her.

2.)Communication is essential for any relationship to flourish. Share your feelings, your thoughts, and discuss your mutual plans for the future. Along with communicating, take the time to actually get to know your partner, and continue to know them as the years pass by. You might think you know each other that well, but, as times goes by, you and your partner both will mature, evolve and change. Time as well as the events that will happen to both of you throughout your relationship will change your relationship as well as your outlook on life. Don't be afraid of these changes, whether it happen to be your changing or your partner's at the time. Just remember to recognize those changes and communicate with your partner about them.

3.)Be loyal and show your partner that you are devoted to them, and only them. Be faithful to them as well as supportive. Your partner should be your confidante, your best friend, your safe haven in the storms of life as well as your exclusive lover. While you and your partenr will have loving relationships with family and friends, your relationship is exclusive and very special, and cannot be shared with anyone else.

4.)Spend plenty of quality time together, but remember to allow each other to have ample time alone. Even though you are in a relationship, and you want to spend time together enjoying your favorite activities, or just sit together and relax and talk over simple matters, each of you is still a separate individual with certain likes and dislikes. You both need time alone to enjoy hobbies that you might enjoy, but your partner doesn't. Don't think that because you are in a relationship, that you are joined at the hip and cannot do anything on your own. You both need equal time alone to think and organize your own thoughts or simply to wind down.

5.)Try to adjust to the maximum extent possible. Even then if it doesn’t work out, just leave it at that. Your partner will realize the effort you have made and will come to terms with you.

6.)Appreciation has its effect on every human being. It is the motivating factor for a human personality. So be honest and give sincere appreciation whenever your partner deserves it. Don’t procrastinate or be stingy with your words.

7.)The act of forgetting and forgiving is essential to the art of living. “To err is human”. So you must learn to overlook the mistakes of your partner. Stored anger and silent resentment will drain away the enthusiasm and will make you stop living.

8.)If you have done something wrong knowingly or unknowingly admit it. Don’t try to reason out when your spouse points out and drag it on.

9.)Go hand in hand with your partner in your life. Share your joys and sorrows however small they may be. There should be transparency in your relationship

. Never hide a fact, thinking of imagined consequences.

10.)Life has its ups and downs and its peaks and valleys. No one is always up or down all the time. Your partner may go through a bad patch but you should be the pillar of support. Problems do come to an end. Give a helping hand to your partner with patience till the problem crosses over.

11.)Clashes of opinion do happen and quarrels do occur, as we tend to loose temper in the spur of the moment. But see that you don’t carry it to the next day.

12.)Love is the undercurrent of life. When you follow a give and take policy in love as a partner, then it becomes a commodity. Give unconditional love. There lies the secret of enjoyment. When you give without expectation it returns in manifolds.

13..)Last, but certainly not least, work things out together. If you have a disagreement, which there are bound to be many throughout the existence of your relationship, don't let things get out of hand. Talk things over as calmly as possible and agree or learn to compromise on a solution to the problem, then kiss and make-up and go on. Don't hold grudges against each other. And don't make the mistake of taking each other for granted either. Life is full of uncertainties, but death is certain. None of us know exactly how much time we have on this planet, and how much time we have to enjoy the company of our spouses, so don't waste it on not getting along!

Let's try to work things out huh.Let's talk some other time, pag hindi na tayo "BUSY".


Sunday, January 24, 2010


Mga Importanteng tao sa buhay ko...
Luv you guyz!!!
(kakaiyak naman)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Una Clase Especial De Amistad


It's been what??
Three years of friendship!
What an achievement!!

We been through a lot- as in a lot, yet here we are, still holding on.
Yes, many things have changed. We are not the same "Fwenxheep" and Fwengoat"anymore. We are often seen by our friends quarreling and fighting over not-so-serious matters
(unlike before when we used to laugh all day long).
But hey! We know ourselves better than the others.

You know Mel, we possess a special kind of friendship(always remember that). You have your best friend and I have mine, but what we have is another unique relationship only few people experience.

I can't find the right words to say but there is one important thing I want you know...
That I will always be here even if you don't need me
cause your my "Bestest-best friend"
and "I'll catch you when you fall"
hehehe...(songs natin yan diva??)

See yah!!

Chow for now!!



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

always guided...

I'm the type of person who rarely goes to church every Sunday.A person who oftentimes forgot to pray every night and every morning.To be brutally honest, I just pray when I'm in the middle of an examination or in the midst of a contest.(But mind you, I strongly believe in His divine power). But the good thing is, I always feel I am guided and that I am not alone.I am guided by Him. I am always experiencing the unexpected . I am always surprised by the blessings I am not even hoping or wishing.Even on the darkest night of my life, I always feel safe. I guess I owe it to the Man who lives up there. So allow me to thank Him for... *All the things that I have right now and the things I don't have, for I know it's for my own good; *Being there when I needed Him most, most especially when I feel the whole world is against me; *Calming my soul, cleansing my spirit and for touching my heart whenever I feel down and when my emotions are mixed up; and for *Helping me choose the best decision when I am in the world of chaos and confusions. "Help me Lord for the sea is so vast and my boat is so small".

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

arro in the quiver (for mel...)

my head's in a jam cant take you off my mind
from the time we met i've been beset by thoughts of you
and the more that i ignore this feeling the more i find my self believin'
that i just have to see you again
i can't let you pass me by
i can't let you go but i know
that im much too shy to let you know
afraid that i might say the wrong
word and displease you
afraid for love to fade
before it can come true
like a child again
im out and lost for word
show can one define a crush combine with longing
longing to posses oh so dearly
and im obsess with you completely
ill go mad if i cant have you
i cant let you pass me by
i cant let you go let me say
the things and the words to let you know
i would rather say the awkward words than to loose you
afraid for love to fade
before it can come true
afraid for love to fade
before it can come true...
Don't be afraid to take the risk of letting him get through to your heart ...
hehehe =)

Happy 18th Birthday dearest Fwenxheep, Leyam, Meloi....